Tips For Managing Heavy Periods

Sometimes, Aunt Flo is not the right name for that time of the month. Instead, the flow is more like a river or even a waterfall. Managing heavy periods can be a challenge for some girls. Leaks, pain, and loss of energy can make going about your daily tasks seem impossible.

Fortunately, with the help of your doctor, you should be able to manage a heavier menstruation cycle. Here are some tips to try.

1. Switch up hygiene products.

To reduce the chances of leaking at night, at work, or while running errands, you might need to expand your feminine hygiene repertoire. Tampons may not give you more than an hour of protection, and pads are messy and sticky, especially if you pass blood clots. Consider using a menstrual cup. These hold more fluid than the largest tampon, and they create a barrier that helps to prevent leaking. You can empty the cup in the bathroom, making it simple to use and easy to track your actual flow. 

2. Take iron supplements.

You might feel tired and sluggish because of blood loss. Women with heavy periods should supplement with iron to help restore vitality when they are losing so much blood at once. Over the course of several months, women who don't take iron while menstruating heavily may become dangerously anemic and feel tired all of time, not just when on their period. 

3. Talk to your doctor about anti-inflammatory medications. 

Some medications can help with the production of prostaglandins during menstruation, which can, in turn, help reduce your overall blood flow. High doses of ibuprofen or similar medications (NSAIDS) can help with heavy periods. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking these medications because sometimes they might not work for you. 

4. Change your birth control.

Some birth control methods can aggravate a heavy period, while others can make it easier to handle. For example, a copper IUD can make periods much heavier. If you have a heavy period already, this birth control option may not be the right one for you. Hormonal birth control methods may slow or even stop your period altogether, which can be a needed relief for women who bleed heavily. 

5. Choose nutritious foods. 

Finally, your diet can affect how you feel when on your period. Choosing iron-rich foods like leafy greens, lentils, and red meat can help you keep up your energy levels as your body recovers from blood loss. Try to avoid eating sugary junk food, even if your crave it, because these can only make you feel worse overall. 

Talk with a gynecologist like George L Stankevych, MD for specific help.

441 Words

About Me

Getting Excellent Medical Care About a year ago, we began noticing some changes in my wife. At first we just thought she had the run-of-the-mill stomach flu, but after carefully considering her condition, we realized that there was a chance she could be pregnant. We stopped everything and sought immediate medical care for her, and within a few hours we discovered that she was carrying our first child. It was both magical and terrifying, and the first few months were especially grueling for our entire family. I wanted to start a blog completely dedicated to getting excellent medical care, especially during pregnancy and childbirth.




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