3 Things to Expect during Your First OBGYN Appointment When Pregnant

If you have never been pregnant before, then you likely have no idea what to expect when you go in for your first appointment. This may make you feel a bit anxious when you really don't need to be. Here are three things that you can expect during your first OBGYN appointment when pregnant. 

Checking Vitals

One of the first things that will happen you are at your OBGYN appointment is the checking of your vitals. A nurse will begin by checking your blood pressure, temperature, and she may even take a urine sample from you. This allows your OBGYN to make sure that your vitals are normal to begin with, which is one of the first and most basic signs that you are in good health. 

Physical Exam 

Part of your first pregnancy appointment involves a physical. This physical is simply to make sure that you are in good health overall, which is very important since you are pregnant. The OBGYN will check your breasts to see if there are any lumps or cause for concern. He or she will also check your abdomen to make sure you don't have any abnormalities in this area, such as painful spots or skin issues. Lastly, your doctor will check your pelvic area and will likely give you a pap smear, if you are due for one. This checks you for ovarian cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. Knowing you are in good health when pregnant can help you feel more confident about carrying and birthing your baby. 


Another thing that you can expect at your first OBGYN appointment when pregnant is an ultrasound. This ultrasound is done to check and see how the baby is doing. How far along you are will dictate whether it is a pelvic ultrasound or an abdominal ultrasound. If the baby is too small to see on an abdominal ultrasound, then a pelvic ultrasound will be necessary. In either case, this gives you the opportunity to see your baby for the first time and see its little heart fluttering. Depending on how far along you are, this heartbeat may or may not be heard on the ultrasound monitor. This provides many moms with peace of mind because they know that their baby is okay. 

Your first OBGYN appointment is an important one. You can expect to have your vitals checking, you will receive a full body physical, and you will also get to see your baby via ultrasound.

411 Words

About Me

Getting Excellent Medical Care About a year ago, we began noticing some changes in my wife. At first we just thought she had the run-of-the-mill stomach flu, but after carefully considering her condition, we realized that there was a chance she could be pregnant. We stopped everything and sought immediate medical care for her, and within a few hours we discovered that she was carrying our first child. It was both magical and terrifying, and the first few months were especially grueling for our entire family. I wanted to start a blog completely dedicated to getting excellent medical care, especially during pregnancy and childbirth.




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